IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting - IEEE PES GM 2013, Vancouver (Canadá). 21-25 julio 2013
The aim of this paper is to evaluate the influence on power losses of the provision of voltage control by wind farms within the grid that connects them to the transmission network. In addition, the paper estimates the economic profit or cost that this technology could obtain in case of providing voltage control. This paper concentrates on the Spanish situation, where wind farms are connected to the transmission network by an evacuation network without containing loads. Thus, from the economic point of view, just the wind farms owners are affected. The results presented in this paper have been obtained for a real representative Spanish wind evacuation network.
Palabras clave: Losses reduction, voltage control, wind power.
Publicado en IEEE PES GM 2013, pp: 1-5, ISBN: 978-1-4799-1303-9
Fecha de publicación: 2013-07-21.
E. Saiz, E. Lobato, I. Egido, L. Rouco, Power losses minimization within Spanish wind farms evacuation networks, IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting - IEEE PES GM 2013, Vancouver (Canadá). 21-25 julio 2013. En: IEEE PES GM 2013: Conference proceedings, e-ISBN: 978-1-4799-1303-9